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Don Swearingen, DDS Blog

Discolored Lumineers

July 30, 2013

Filed under: Lumineers — Tags: , — okcitydentist @ 9:03 am

I just spent over $15,000 dollars on Lumineers. I went over in great detail what I was wanting out of the smile with my dentist. One of the things I was very specific about was wanting a very white smile. When they came in, they were NOT very white. They had what looked like stains on them. I asked my dentist and he said that he ordered a stain on them so they would look more natural. I was very upset and refused to have them bonded on. If I wanted stained teeth, I would have kept my old smile and not spent thousands of dollars.  He is upset and said I should trust his expertise. Do you think I am out of line?

Elizabeth M.- Wisconsin


No, you are definitely not out of line. It sounds like you’ve asked your family dentist to do your cosmetic work. While some family dentists are qualified to do cosmetic work, I don’t think your dentist understands the major difference between cosmetic and general dentistry.

In dental school, we are taught that the dentist knows best and the patient’s feeling is only a small factor in determining the appropriate treatment. However, cosmetic dentistry is the opposite. We are treating the patient’s self-esteem. That means if they don’t think their smile is white enough, then it isn’t white enough. You could ask for teeth as white as chicklets and it is his responsibility to get it for you.

You were wise not to allow him to bond them on. Once he did that the Lumineers would have been permanent and you would be stuck with an expensive smile you hated.  I suggest you get your money back. Then, find a more qualified cosmetic dentist to do your work.

This blog is brought to you by Oklahoma City Dentist Dr. Don Swearingen.

Being overtreated

July 16, 2013

I had some dental bonding done on two of my front teeth in order to whiten my teeth. It’s been a few years and I’ve moved. The bonding has worn out and started chipping.  My new dentist said I really need to get porcelain crowns to fix the teeth. I know I am not a dentist, but that seems like a real overtreatment.

Alexis M.- New Mexico


Your gut instinct is right. Though, I am a little confused as to why your previous dentist did bonding to whiten your teeth. Why not just do professional teeth whitening?  Is there something specifically wrong with your case? Have you had root canals on those teeth? Are they tetracycline stained?

Whatever you do, don’t do porcelain crowns. In order to fit crowns over your teeth, they will have to be ground down almost to stubs. Why do that to healthy teeth?

IF there is some reason why you can’t just do teeth whitening, it is very possible you can have porcelain veneers placed on the teeth. I recommend you have an expert cosmetic dentist look at your teeth and give their recommendations.

This blog is brought to you by Oklahoma City Dentist Dr. Don Swearingen.

Discolored fillings

June 29, 2013

Filed under: Dental Fillings — Tags: , , , — okcitydentist @ 10:31 pm

I have some older fillings on my front teeth that are embarrassing to me. They are darker than the rest of my teeth. Brushing doesn’t help them. My dentist suggested I get Lumineers. I thought it would be less expensive to whiten them. What do you think?

Sandy M.- Baton Rouge, LA


I’m going to suggest something completely different. Teeth whitening will not work on your fillings, or any other kind of dental work for that matter, so there is no point wasting your money. In fact, it would only serve to make the difference between your teeth and your filling more obvious.

Lumineers would cover your fillings, but I think that is over fixing the problem. There is another solution. I suggest you re-do the fillings using dental bonding materials.  The bonding material comes in every possible shade. Your dentist will be able to match your fillings to your teeth exactly.

This blog is brought to you by Oklahoma City Dentist Dr. Don Swearingen.

10 dental fillings

June 18, 2013

Filed under: Tooth decay — Tags: , , — okcitydentist @ 7:56 pm

Hi, I need 10 fillings. Is it better to do it all at once, or break it up into several appointments?

Matthew C.- Nebraska


You may find it easier to break up the appointment into two to four appointments. Doing all ten at once would require you to be in the dental chair for several hours. That is a long time to have your mouth open and still.

You could have your dentist do upper arch then lower arch, or you can divide the four quadrants to make it even easier on you.

You may also be interested in the Cater to Cowards service that some dentists offer.

This blog is brought to you by Oklahoma City dentist Dr. Don Swearingen.


Switching dentists after Invisalign

May 31, 2013

Filed under: Invisalign — Tags: , , — okcitydentist @ 10:40 pm

I just finished Invisalign treatments. I love the results, but still need a retainer. However, I’m not very happy with my dentist. I find him to be  rude and insensitive in the comments he makes.  I’d like to switch, but don’t know if I can if I’m in the middle of retainer treatments.

Brooke K.- New Hampshire


You are perfectly within your rights to swtich denitsts at absolutely any time. In fact, your current dentist is under a legal obligation to make the transition as smoothly as possible. He should provide all the treatment information.

However, even if he doesn’t cooperate, it is really easy to have a new reatainer made from scratch. I’m glad to hear how you loved your Invisalign treatments. They have a very high patient satisfaction rate.

This blog is brought to you by Oklahoma City Dentist Dr. Don Swearingen.

Bad tooth bonding

May 21, 2013

I had a small chip on my tooth and decided to get if repaired with dental bonding. I am really frustrated with the results. Not only is the color off, but you can really tell where the “new” part of the tooth is. What do I do?

Sam S.- Washington D.C.


First, I would give your dentist another chance to get the tooth bonding correct. It isn’t always easy to match the tooth color correctly, but you have the right to expect it.  In fact, the second appointment should be free of charge. Getting the color right is a basic expectation with this service.

If after the second treatment, you are still unhappy with the results, then I would be comfortable telling you to seek a different dentist for treatment.

This blog is brought to you by Oklahoma City Dentist Dr. Don Swearingen.

Whiten old veneers

April 30, 2013

Have they come up with a procedure yet for whitening veneers? Mine are 17 years old and have picked up some stains over the years.

Eileen S. – Staten Island


There is no procedure that can re-whiten your porcelain veneers in the same way teeth whitening works on your teeth. If there is significant damage done to them, then your only options are to live with them or to replace them.

However, if you’re just talking about surface staining, then I recommend you use Supersmile toothpaste. It is fantastic at getting stains off of cosmetic work.  Give that a try before spending thousands of dollars re-doing your veneers.

This blog is brought to you by Oklahoma City dentist Dr. Don Swearingen.

Fear of dentist

April 26, 2013

Can you give me some advice on getting over a strong fear of the dentist.

Yasmine- Florida


Most dental anxiety is rooted in a traumatic experience with the dentist, so the biggest factor in getting past your fear is going before you have a dental problem. That way you get to experience an easier appointment.

You’ll also want to go to a dentist who readily works with fearful patients and you can build a trusting relationship with. Look on their site to see if they have a page dedicated to dental anxiety, such as a cater to cowards page.  You  can also look for a dentist that practices sedation dentistry.

While you’re there ask your dentist to show and explain to you what he is going to do ahead of time. That way you aren’t taken by surprise. Some dentists will also let you listen to your ipod if that will help relax you.

This blog is brought to you by Oklahoma City Dentist Dr. Don Swearingen.


Couldn’t get numb

March 30, 2013

Filed under: Sedation Dentist — Tags: , , , — okcitydentist @ 8:41 pm

I had a root canal treatment a few months ago and it was horrible. The numbing medicine didn’t work. I just found out I need another one and I am absolutely terrified. Is there some way to get me numb?

Penny D.- Texas


Anxiety can sometimes keep you from getting numb with a local anesthetic.  Generally, a root canal treatment isn’t so bad, so I don’t want you frightened about your next one.  There is something you can do about the numbing problem.

The first thing is to get some nitrous oxide before you get the novocaine shot. The nitrous oxide is a mild relaxant and will take the edge off your anxiety. If however, you want something deeper, you can go to a sedation dentist and they can do oral conscious sedation. Then you will be completely relaxed during your appointment. Some patients don’t even remember the procedure.

This blog is brought to you by Oklahoma City Dentist Dr. Don Swearingen.

Zoom Whitening and Teeth Whitening

March 23, 2013

Filed under: Teeth Whitening — Tags: , — okcitydentist @ 8:26 pm

Can you tell me the difference between zoom whitening and teeth whitening? Which one is better?

Cassie W.- Dallas, TX


The only difference between the two methods of whitening your teeth is mostly with the time it takes.  Zoom whitening is done in-office. It is completed in one appointment during several cycles. The dentist will use a special light to activate the whitening gel and make it work faster.

Regular teeth whitening is done in the privacy of your own home. You’ll wear special bleaching trays that contain a whitening gel for at least 20 minutes a day.  It will take several weeks up to a few months to get the level of whitening you want.

Both methods will whiten your teeth very effectively.  Zoom whitening costs more than at-home whitening.

This blog is brought to you by Oklahoma City Dentist Dr. Don Swearingen.

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